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The Borghi’s lab is committed to create a safe and inclusive environment for undergraduate and graduate students, and postdocs and it fully embraces the USU principles of diversity, dignity and social responsibility. All members in the group are demanded to be collaborative and share their knowledge to promote personal advancement and scientific progress. Reciprocal respect, accountability, and self-responsibility are demanded from all members of the group including students, postdocs, and the PI. While these premises should suffice to create a safe and collaborative environment for research and personal growth, a short set of rules is provided below to avoid misunderstanding. 



Working in the laboratory requires wearing appropriate protective gears such as a lab coat, gloves, and eye protection. Food and drink are not allowed in the lab space. Only authorized personnel can access the lab: kids and pets are not allowed in the laboratory. We comply with the safety requirements of USU. As the laboratory is a space dedicated to work and thinking, music and loud sounds are not permitted. Keep your conversations at a reasonable volume. 


Behavior and Integrity

Students and postdocs are expected to accurately document their experiments, including design, methods, and results, electronically or in a physical notebook. Each member of the group must share their material and results with the other members of the group and the PI. Open discussion of results and procedures is demanded. Files, notebook and all material generated during a research cycle, will become integral part of the lab repository for long term storage and consultation. Research integrity is demanded to all group members. Fabrication and falsification of results and plagiarism are prohibited in compliance with USU and Federal regulations. Discrimination, harassment and misconduct are also prohibited in accordance with USU regulations.


Working hours

Sometimes, working hours need to be flexible as experiments may demand working beyond the 8-to-5 cycle, for example in the evening or during the weekend. If you are working in the laboratory by yourself, inform the PI or one of your colleagues: this is for your safety and the safety of others. If you have to work from home to complete a task that requires quiet and concentration, inform the PI. 



The Borghi’s lab follows the IJME rules for authorship.







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